
registro: 24/08/2013
i love this game. i hate this game.
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the recent canadian election is a good example of why americans should not complain.

My american cousins may want  to think twice before complaining about their electoral system and take a good look at what happens elsewhere. I have seen complaints about the popular vote and the electoral college down there. I have seen calls for a third party down there. If you think that is what you want, take a look at what happened up here in canada. The liberal party got 33 percent of the vote and WON the election. The conservative party got 35 percent of the vote and LOST the election. The liberals now have a 'minority' government, which means they didn't get enough seats to hold a majority in government, and they lost seats during this election. The conservatives gained a lot of seats, and in spite of the fact MORE people voted for them, they didn't get enough seats to win the election. This election was a mess. We have Alerta and Saskatchwan voting 100 percent conservative, the Liberal leader, Justin Trudeau, doesn't even have 1 seat of representation in those western provinces. We have Liberal ontario mostly voting Liberal and giving Trudeau enough seats to claim victory, with 33 percent of the vote, and some americans are complaining about Hilary Clinton losing an election when she got the popular vote? look at what happened up here. You want a third party alternative? Look at what happened up here. We haave  a guy who only one third of the population voted for claiming victory. And canada has never bee more polarized and fragmented. In quebec, the bloc party, which is a separatist party ( they want to separate from canada ) gained a lot of seats, the western provinces went completely conservative and trudeau got ZERO.....ZERO!!!...seats there, and ontario was stubbornly liberal. Then you have the socialist NDP getting hammered in the election and losing close to half its seats.....and the turban wearing leader of the NDP  was DANCING after the election! Dancing about what, i have no idea...the NDP is a stupid party and they consider it a victory if they still exist after an election. 
    What we have is a pile of crap now. A divided country with no sense of direction. I don't even know what 'Canada' is supposed to mean anymore. Everyone a loser in this election. The liberals lost seats and their majority status. The conservatives got more votes but lost the election., The NDP lost a large amount of its seats. Just the bloc party of Quebec showed a dramatic gain in seats, but over all, everyone lost in this election, especially the canadian people who voted 66 percent against the guy who 'won' the election. Nobody is happy with this result. It has left the country a fragmented mess with the western provinces talking about separation, much like Quebec. Now you just imagine how hard it would be to get rid of Donald Trump or any other president if they only need 33 percent of the vote to 'win' an election. In the 80's the provincial NDP in ontario shocked the country when it won the election with just under 38 percent of the vote and got 60 percent of the seats in government!!! IS THIS what you want down there? You better think again. 'The WILL of the PEOPLE' means nothing in canada. 

i have become my dad ( getting old and getting goofy )

so...i was shaving using an electric trimmer and i was trying to trim my nose hairs. i must have hit a nerve or something because all of a sudden my nose started bleeding profusely. i called my wife and , as usual, she started yelling at me for being so careless. my son came up to see what the fuss was about and started laughing at me. and there i was, sitting on the couch, putting tissue after tissue to my nose while she yelled and he laughed. it was at this point i realized i had become my father, the roles had completely reversed. i remember laughing at my dad when i was growing i was him. it just seems that the older i get the more goofy i become. i don't even want to get into the story of getting my pecker stuck in my pants zipper a few months ago. the difference there was that both my wife and son were laughing at me. there was no getting it off.....yes, i had to go to the hospital and yes, it was just female doctors on staff at that time. my embarrassment knew no limits.. oh, and let me tell you, when you get a needle down there and can't feel your penis at all...thats a bit scary. i was walking around for 2 hours after that constantly patting my crotch TO MAKE SURE IT WAS STILL THERE.  what a stupid thing to happen, what a mortifying experience. the admission clerk asking me why i was there for and me leaning close and whispering out of the side of my mouth. ohh man..why me?  

trump laments division among republican party as he ends shut down

trump is really taking a beating from his fellow republicans he is complaining about it on his twitter account.."Thank you to the Republican National Committee, (the RNC), who voted UNANIMOUSLY yesterday to support me in the upcoming 2020 Election. Considering that we have done more than any Administration in the first two years, this should be easy. More great things now in the works!....yep....he is in so much trouble with his fellow republicans. hahahahahahaha see how upset and divided they are now?? hahahahahahahaha!!!

Trump ally Roger Stone arrested for lying to U.S. Congress

latest headline....."Trump ally Roger Stone arrested for lying to U.S. Congress" might end up getting like.....14 days in prison for that. hahahahahahaha!!!