I came to visit her she was still in bed, curled up under the blanket.
Come on, I said, there's a lot to do.
She smiled at me and nodded.
I told her: The house and the yard must be arranged, and
she smiled, her eyes sparkle.
I said: Come on, the world can not wait, there's a lot to do.
And she smiles under the blanket, her eyes telling happiness.
Again I argued: Please get out of bed and let's change the world, let's make the place better, pleasant, wise and considerate.
And she smiles under the blanket, her eyes close and sigh, I work on it dear.
And again and again I call her, standing by her bed,
her face calm, her eyes close and a big smile unfolding.
I remove the blanket from her ... and here she is ... naked,
pulling out her fingers, sighing, now I'm ready.